Good Friday Gatherings
7pm | At Home With Believers (
We're hosting Good Friday service online, but your participation is needed! We're calling on our church community to host gatherings to experience Good Friday together. We'll walk you through it!
We're sharing resources to help you host a simple gathering for Good Friday. In the meantime, begin inviting friends from our church community, your relational network, or from the area. Explain to them that you're making a moment to gather with friends for worship, communion, and community. Check back here for ideas and resources!
Here are 2 videos from the Bible Project that fit into our church-wide Bible reading journey
Here are videos about Jesus' resurrection for discussion
Here are videos about Jesus' resurrection with kids in mind
Here are training videos to help with guided conversations
Here are optional playlists for your Good Friday gathering
Don't forget to join us Saturday and Sunday!